Blog NaPoWriMo Poetry Writing


Day 18’s challenge is to write a poem that incorporates “the sound of home.”

Not because we’re lazy
But because we’re efficient

You all is cumbersome
Y’all is eloquent

Y’all know what I mean?

Blog NaPoWriMo Poetry Writing

Never Coming Back

Day nine’s prompt is to “write a poem that includes a line you’re afraid to write.”

She’s gone
And never coming back.

Came home to an empty house
Knew what to expect
But not how to feel

Quiet and alone
Wander the rooms
Counting the memories
And the ones that will never be

Collapse to the ground,
I sobbed.
Lamenting the loss of a life
With the one I loved

My feelings will fade with time
There is a place in my heart
Where I will look back fondly

It hurt more than anything
Can I ever forgive
How she treated my heart.

Blog NaPoWriMo Poetry Writing

Ode to the Bluebonnet









Bluebonnets naturally grow only in Texas
Imagine my surprise when I found one in Puerto Rico
Plucked from its native land and displayed prominently

Springtime means fields of blue lining the roadways
Family photos and inspiring landscapes
A unique and annual rite

Among a sea of decorative plates
From places near and far
The humble bluebonnet stands out

I pluck it from the wall
Generally a forbidden act
Condoned by the owner

“Take it,” Sylvia says
“It’s fate”
“It should be with a Texan”

A journey of destiny
A flower returned its native land.


Blog NaPoWriMo Pinball Poetry Writing

Name in Lights

I pull the plunger back with the tips of my fingers
Let the ball fly

It bounces around the playfield
Flippers on point
Quick with the save

Light ’em up
Pick my target
Solve the case

Nail the bonus shot
High Score
Roof Champion

Name in lights:

Blog NaPoWriMo Poetry Writing


Oh quesito
I had never experienced
your sweet and savory taste

Flakey honey skin
cheesey center
endless flavor

I will return to your island
if only to taste you again.


Location NaPoWriMo Photography Poetry Writing

El Yunque


A rocky ledge on El Yunque
provides spectacular views of the island
a solitary raindrop
followed by millions more

Seek shelter beneath the canopy
swallowed by a cloud
views obscured
to the top we go

Fighting through the mist
a cool breeze blows
like air conditioning
on top of the world.


Blog NaPoWriMo Poetry Writing


Sunshine flips to downpours
wrapped in sunshine
enveloped  in rain and darkness
in the blink of an eye

sunshine is on the other side
Can’t know where
trust it’s there
Expectations seem impossible
trust the rain will dry
sunshine will break through
it always does.

Blog Poetry Writing

The Complaint

I was going to complain

but then the person I was going to complain to

did the thing I was complaining about

so now I complain to you.